31 March 2011

It's twenty five!

Hilarity ensues when the 3 NJ's discuss their favorite running blogs, Carl The Mailman drops a special added bonus into your iTunes box, and Russ desecrates the holy name of the founder of Nike. It just got real, yo.


  1. I think I'm now scared to return to the basement...

  2. Evan Hone's blog is hilarious. He keeps running in its rightful place in life. And he cuts on people who wear short shorts.

    Also, there is a monster list of ultra blogs there.


  3. Hello? Linkage? I need links! Neither can I remember any of the ding-danged names nor could I probably spell them if I did. Oh yeah...thanks for the free podcast. I guess I should throw that in if I'm going to be demanding and all.
